Our Affiliations
The officers and investigators of Locaters International are members of many private investigative, law enforcement, and civic organizations. When retaining the services of a professional investigator, their reputation to work on your behalf and to represent your interests, are paramount to your case. Our investigators and staff have been vetted, and maintain memberships in some of the most well respected organizations after background investigations, and their multitudes of private and professional contacts offer us additional resources, unmatched by any other firm on a local, national and international level and we even learned how to monitor remote employees with different programs, to make sure efficiency is always our top priority.

State Of Florida Private Investigative, Recovery and Security Advisory Council (PIRSAC)
Harvey was a founder of the State of Florida’s Investigative, Security and Polygraph Association (ISPA) which is no longer in existence.
Harvey served 10 years as Chairman of the State of Florida’s licensing division’s Advisory Board as appointed by the Secretary of State and Division of Licensing, which can never happen again due to term limits. He was the State of Florida’s expert witness in regards to licensing laws and expert testimony. He wrote many of the statutes which govern the profession today.
Ari Morse is currently serving on the Private Investigative, Recovery, and Security Advisory Council as a council member.
Florida Highway Patrol – Harvey served as an Auxiliary Sergeant then as a Reserve Sergeant whose capacity in addition to patrol, was to be an advisor to the Director in regards to policies and procedures.