Frequently Asked Questions
Why Hire Locaters?
Almost 50 years of experience, all senior staff former ranking law enforcement.
Our Services are offered locally, nationally and internationally.
We are Court approved “experts” in multi-jurisdictions and countries
These days, it is often difficult to trust a business to properly care for your interests, despite licensing and other supposed proofs of credibility. Locaters International, Inc., is the one private investigative agency that you can be confident will work for you and with you to attempt to accomplish your objectives, professionally and confidentially.
Why Are We Different?
Almost 50 years of licensure. No complaints. A+ rating by the BBB. No State disciplinary actions and our professional staff is primarily comprised of former ranking law enforcement professionals, public servants and others who know how to get the job done right, the first time.
Locaters International is a member of a multitude of professional organizations that are local, national and international. We can handle your case just about anywhere it needs to be worked, in any state, county or country. We do this through our professional network of colleagues situated around the world, or we even go to the location personally if you agree that it is cost-effective.
Members of our staff have testified as expert witnesses in a multitude of jurisdictions, even on behalf of the State of Florida. We know the law, we know the rules and we have the necessary contacts, databases, and accesses in place. No other company can boast that their principal officer was unanimously elected Chairman for ten consecutive years, of the Florida Private Security Advisory Council under the Secretary of State, graduated college, attended law school and graduated first in a class of 82 cadets at the Florida Police Academy. Simply put, we know what we are doing.
Locaters International and our investigators are members of such prestigious organizations such as: the Florida Association of Private Investigators (FAPI), International Intelligence Network (Intellenet), Board Accredited Investigator (BAI), Florida Certified Investigator (FCI), ASIS International, World Association of Detectives (WAD), Council of International Investigators (CII), National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS), Investigative & Security Professionals for Legislative Action (ISPLA), Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA), Federal Criminal Investigators Association, Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police, to name but a few. We lecture, teach and advise other professionals when they hit a stone wall, and we mentor new licensees as they enter this profession. We have also developed software used by over 1000 private investigators across the USA to manage their offices. Locaters has no equal.
When you have a problem or require information, you want the best team on your side, 100% dedicated to you, and an agency with whom lawyers, law enforcement and other investigators can harmoniously relate.